Saturday, April 18, 2009

It’s’s racing time (sung to the tune of Flight of the Conchords ‘It’s Business Time’)

...well the beginning of racing season begins in earnest this weekend with the Sun Run, and honestly I have no idea how it's going to go. Training has been going quite well recently, but I am also not in full focus yet, and haven't really backed off for this race. We'll know a bit more of my future plans around 9:30 Sunday morning.

It's been a hectic last two weeks, and training time hasn't been optimal, but it' been solid. I didn't really begin taking any back off time til yesterday (Fri) and even then I did a solid session of Bikram (hope I didn't leave it too late) last night. That's the sort of week it's been. I was at work til 5 last night, got home at 5:30, went for a run, ate and it was 7:45. But it has been the only time all week I have been able to go and my right hip (mostly IT band) has been acting up all week. I would have preferred t go Thurs or Wed, but both days were long and would have meant an even longer day. If my legs felt terrible or my runs had been sluggish I might be worried, but they’ve been strong. Now just get me through 10km and things will be peachy keen.

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