Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Where to Begin...

It may have taken a while, but finally I put something of substance on here (I've had the blog address for at least 6 months). But why? In all honesty I am not 100% sure. My wife said it would be a good idea, I enjoy following a handful of blogs, but in the end I figured like the 'blogs' I sometimes follow, always follow or stumble on to that somewhere some place someone might actually enjoy my 'ramblings'. (Actually I really just wanted to be cool like Reid Coolsaet, but that's another story...)

I'll try to post my training, share some training thoughts of someone who has experimented with many a running concept (mostly successfully) and throw out the odd story/current thoughts.

One thing is for sure... You'll notice I have an errrr... unique typing/writing style (trust me I don't write report cards like this). Let me know if there's something you'd like to hear about.... then again I just hope you find this entertaining. I'll make sure to watch my typos and try not to go off on any tangents. Yah! Good luck...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As I now live a runner's life through the running actions of others...count me in, I'll read along for the ride.

Believe it or not younguns, Bomba actually has many wise things to say...and it can only be based on experience.