Sunday, November 29, 2009

Living the Life of a Luddite....

....I (we) have been without a home computer for the last few weeks. The only Internet access i had was a at school and I try to use it minimally, therefore that meant really only checking emails. You don't realize how things have changed so much over the last 10 years with people (myself included) who don't know some one's ph number, and use emails a s their main form of communication (hell I've only been using a cell phone since early last year and even then I was forced with our waiting game of the little person who we now know as Carter)

In many respects much has happened during this time, but also very little. My running has been nothing more than maintenance. I don't think i realized how burnt out I was both mentally and physically. I have only been running 4-5 days per week, but it wasn't due to not wanting to get out. I simply kept on falling asleep at times from 6-7 o'clock.

I have had some nice runs (only a couple mellow fartlek workouts) including a great run in Belligham last week. For those who don't know I consider Bellingham to be one of the best places to go for runs anywhere. they have so many hilly trails that hook up with each other that you could go for hours and hours of running. I don't know the trails that well and got lost. I took Kao and only planned on 90 mins but alas we ended up at a wee over 1hr 45. It was nice and hilly so she had no problems keeping up (I only lose her when it's flat, but she gets a good break going up hill).

The day before i also had a dog run with me, but ti wasn't Kao. This friendly husky dog followed and I couldn't get it to go to where I thought it lived. In the end I took the dog back in my vehicle and took ti back to it's owners. It was kinda funny when i showed up and asked them if they owned a husky. they had been looking for it during the length of my run. Just another funny running story for the annals.

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