Sunday, April 5, 2009

I write this as I....

..head out the door for a long run....mostly because I am procrastinating and enjoying a lazy morning.

It was an interesting week, mostly because I haven't done a double yet, and am going to end up well over 100 does this happen???? I honestly have no real idea...except I am an idiot at times.

I was really looking froward to a session with Steve and Ryan on Wednesday, but I only quickly looked over an email Dick had sent out. I swear it said Burnaby Lake....and then when I showed up and no one was there I wondered what had I done. I called my wife and she said Bear Creek (about a 5-10min drive from where I work, as opposed the good 45-60mins from where I had gone from work and was now stuck). It was a horrible day, so I simply told myself this is a 'character' session. A good thing was there was only disappointment in not being able to workout with other people, but the question of what was going to happen never wavered.

So off I went around Bby lake doing 3mins hard-1 min walk/jog. It wasn't have bad considering how cold and wet it was outside and how wet and flooded the trails were. I was able to time a few 'posts' (took a few where I could run full post and then took 60 secs) and ended up at 3:10-3:13 so good times considering the conditions. The 3:13 was literally running through puddles in wet shoes and freezing my behind off).

Sat was interesting. I misunderstood the workout as it was a 10 mile continuous (for Steve and Ryan), and I thought it was 2 x 5 mile. Due to a session in my long run from Monday I was only really interested in a traditional tempo style run. I ended up doing 5 miles in a single loop and stopped and did a bit more after a short break because I didn't want to end up in 'non man's land'(in 20/20 I forgot that the 6-7 mile mark ended up near where we started and I should have done that). I had one goal.....RUN RELAXED....and that was achieved. In fact I felt better and better as we went along and got in a nice rhythm that I haven't had in a while. My fitness level is's the inability to correlate that fitness to some tempo style workouts that have been frustrating. It was a workout I felt would have been quite easy to finish. Considering how much training I had done for the week and how my legs felt this was very encouraging as a 'break through' week that I have been looking for in this type of training.

Monday: 2 hr 5mins, but done as run from my house, around the POCO trail and back home, but I took a marathon style long run from Bill Squires, so after a good 40mins I did 3 x 1 min surges in a 10min set, then threw down a solid 15min surge took 5 mins, then 3 more 1 min surges and then ran hard, but controlled the rest of the way home (a good split considering everything). I was absolutely flying til I hit the last 15 mins (makes sense as it was the 1 hr 50-55 mark)
Tues: 70 mins with dug
Wed: 10 x 3mins (mostly) with 60 sec walk/jog
Thurs: 69mins
Friday: 76 mins good solid run.....had to slow myself down
Saturday: 6 mile warm up 5mile below tempo-2min rest 2 x 3mins off 30 sec jog at tempo Pace HR -6 mile warm down
Sunday:hmmmmmmmm some sort of long run....just gonna enjoy it and then try to get in another short run tonight....I got to have at least one dbl.....

The week that was

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I firmly convinced, that you are not right. Time will show.