Thursday, February 26, 2009

..and a great interview...

...from 2:11 guy back in the 70's Steve Hoag. FYI his coach was arguably one of the most underrated people in regards to impacting serious runners back in the day.....the one and only Ron Daws. If you want to fill in the holes about Lydiard his books fill in all the holes and more. Funny as so few people know of Daws, but he is in my top 5 list of people I'd like to go for arun. If you can get a copy of any of his books (they can be very pricey) do so....they are golden

and just for the sake of Daw's books...I gloat that I own both and got them for around 30 bucks....check out what I saw on em and weep...

1 comment:

Andrew Armiger said...

He also put up a really nice message post on his training on a popular running forum recently:

My training was on the lighter side, 75-95 mpw. Using the Lydiard system used by my friend and mentor Ron Daws, I tried to get the recommended 110-125 mpw, but I just couldn't do it. I either got run down or injured. Like most serious competitors of the day, I worked 40 hours a week (as a hospital orderly), so that may have figured in my inability to put in large mileage numbers. ( Although Bill Rodgers also worked as an orderly in the early years, and he did 120 mpw routinely. Bill, Tom Fleming and others could manage to work and train that much, I couldn't.) My training did include large doses of hills ( Up and Down), followed by several weeks of long intervals ( 10 X Mile, e.g.), and of course, the ubiquitous Sunday long run of 20 to 30 miles. I feel that what I lacked in quantity, I made up for in quality. Ideally you would do both! I was not particularly fast ( compared to Frank Shorter, e.g.), but had a good collegiate career at the U of M (innesota). I was gifted with a pretty efficient style, very well-suited to the Marathon. I also had the benefit of Ron Daws to train with and get advice from!